[ad_1] If you focus only on returns and covariances over a one-year investment horizon, you may conclude that commodities have no place in an investment portfolio. The efficiency of commodities improves dramatically over longer investment horizons, however, especially when using expected returns and maintaining historical serial dependencies. We’ll demonstrate how […]
Daily Archives: July 8, 2024
[ad_1] The Ethereum Protocol Security (EPS) Research Team is pleased to announce the launch of the first Ethereum protocol Attackathon, hosted by Immunefi. This four-week event aims to enhance the security of the Ethereum protocol through a large-scale crowdsourced security audit competition. Our goal is to raise over 2millionfortherewardpool,theEFhasseededthepoolwithaninitial2 million […]
[ad_1] To mark Enterprising Investor’s 10th anniversary, we have compiled retrospectives of our coverage of the most critical themes in finance and investing over the last decade. The next big thing is always elusive. When the first Enterprising Investor post with fintech in the title was published almost exactly six years ago, little […]
[ad_1] After almost three months into the “reboot” of the C++ team, I would like to give an update about the team itself, what we did and what we plan to do. Team update The so-called C++ team currently consists of Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Greg Colvin (@gcolvin), Liana Husikyan (@LianaHus), […]