[ad_1] Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of articles that challenge the conventional wisdom that stocks always outperform bonds over the long term and that a negative correlation between bonds and stocks leads to effective diversification. In it, Edward McQuarrie draws from his research analyzing US stock and […]
Daily Archives: April 24, 2024
[ad_1] The next Stateless Ethereum research call is coming up in less than a week! The telegram chat now has hundreds of messages to catch up on, and only a small portion of the topics discussed have made it into the ethresearch forums. This post is just a quick primer… […]
[ad_1] “Shortly after October 6, 1979, [US Federal Reserve chair Paul Volcker] met with some chief executives of medium-sized firms. . . . One CEO announced that he had recently signed a three-year labor contract with annual wage increases of 13 percent — and was happy with the result. Only […]
[ad_1] February 26th tl;dc (too long, didn’t call) Disclaimer: This is a digest of the topics discussed in the recurring Eth1.x research call, and doesn’t represent finalized plans or commitments to network upgrades. The main topics of this call were: The rough plan for the 1.x research summit in Paris […]